
Welcome to Lasers-at-Work Consulting Ltd.  We specialize in industrial laser system design, developing laser applications for industry, and laser safety for industrial systems.

Industrial lasers can perform many manufacturing tasks: cutting, welding, drilling, marking, or cleaning almost any material, from the softest and most delicate structures to diamond, and they will do it faster and with higher quality than almost any other process.  Industrial laser systems are now robust machine tools, working for years with only routine maintenance.  Industrial laser systems are also surprisingly cost-effective, making parts in production at a lower cost per part than any traditional process.  Working safely with lasers requires knowledge and training, but once you understand the hazards and requirements, lasers are no more dangerous than traditional manufacturing methods.

Explore our pages to see what lasers can do in manufacturing, and how we can help you to decide if laser manufacturing is right for you.

What Can Lasers Do For You?

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